MABA Projects

Butterflies Australia

The Butterflies Australia database is a citizen science initiative where members of the public can use our app or website to record butterfly sightings in the field and send them to us to contribute to butterfly conservation and research. All our sightings records are freely available either on our website when you log in with an account , or via the Atlas of Living Australia ( The database is curated by a panel of experts from around the country, and it is even possible to submit a photograph of an unknown species for our experts to assist with identification.

Visit the Butterflies Australia database.

Our smartphone app is available on iPhone and Android.

How to use Butterflies Australia

Citizen scientists can contribute to our project in a number of ways. We have put together a number of handy videos for how to participate in the project.

How to use the phone app to upload a sighting

If you want to use one of our phone apps, then the following video will give you an overview of how to navigate the app and how to put together an incidental sighting or butterfly survey to send to us:

How to use the website to record and browse sightings

If smartphones aren’t your thing, or you’re looking to upload records from years ago rather than your current sightings, you can also use our website to submit records. You can also use the website to easily search our database for useful sightings and even download data for personal use.

For a guide on how to use the website check out this video:

How to use the field guide in the app to identify butterflies

For those interested in learning to identify butterflies, you can use the handy field guide in our apps to learn on site while out looking for butterflies. Please do note that the field guide is currently a work in progress!

See the following video for a rundown on how to use the field guide:

MABA and Butterflies Australia

In 2022, MABA took on Butterflies Australia as a flagship project.

Subsequently, we are currently looking to expand our volunteer network. If you’re interested in assisting with any of the following roles or other logistic assistance, please reach out to [email protected].

• coordinate volunteers

• updating the field guide

• assisting with social media

• helping organise events

• fundraising

• graphic design

• answering email requests for assistance

• preparing educational material for students and adults