Grant Information

About MABA Grants

MABA provides two grants to support the following key areas in Lepidoptera research:

  1. Biosystematics, through the Australian Lepidoptera Research Endowment
  2. Biodiversity conservation, through the MABA Biodiversity Fund.

A summary of these grants is provided below. For more information on each grant, visit their page.

The Australian Lepidoptera Research Endowment

The Australian Lepidoptera Research Endowment was established by Marianne Horak and Douglas Hilton within the Perpetual Foundation. It supports taxonomic and phylogenetic research on Australian moths and butterflies by professional and amateur entomologists, and to enhance the curation of the Lepidoptera collection at the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC).

This grant is open to any lepidopterist, amateur or professional, working on the Australian fauna.

The MABA Biodiversity Fund

The MABA Biodiversity Fund was established by Michael Braby on behalf of MABA for the specific purpose of supporting the society’s environmental objectives on biodiversity conservation, namely to promote and support the conservation of moths and butterflies and their habitats.

This Fund has been approved by the Register of Environmental Organisations, which means that the Fund has tax deductible gift recipient status (i.e. donors are endorsed to recieved tax deductions for their donations). The grant is open for members (amateurs or professional), working on the Australasian fauna.

For any enquires regarding these grants, you may contact our secretary: [email protected]