
MABA logo designed by Sharyn Wragg

The logo features the drepanid moth Hypsidia erythropsalis Rothschild, 1896 a brightly coloured species endemic to the Wet Tropics of north-eastern Queensland, where it is restricted to tropical rainforest from Cooktown to Innisfail. Like many Australian Lepidoptera, the larval food plants, life cycle and biology are unknown, highlighting the knowledge gaps and opportunities for field discovery that typify so much of our vast fauna.

Sharyn Wragg

The logo was designed by Ms Sharyn Wragg. Sharyn worked on Lepidoptera as an Honours student at the Australian National University (ANU), and as a technical officer in the Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO. She currently works in IT at the ANU Research School of Biology, but enjoys engaging in art, graphic, illustration and photography projects that highlight the beauty and conservation value of the Australian biota and landscape.